Call Queues, to not miss any calls

What is a Call Queue?

It is an attribute of an Infocaller extension which allows the caller to wait until the extension is no longer busy. When a Queue is activated, the extension destination (or destinations if the extension is a group) is retried until the specified time limit expires.

During the waiting time, the caller can hear plain ringing or, to make the wait more pleasant, a message can be played with a recorded message or music.

In this way, if you or your team are all busy answering calls, the new callers can be kept waiting. Or if you prefer you can offer them automated services using other Infocaller features.

Follow these steps to activate this functionality:

  • Access-Login your Account / Configure / Extensions
  • Edit extensions for which you want to activate this function and open “Advanced Options”
  • Activate the “Call Queue” and indicate the maximum waiting time.
  • In “Waiting Sounds” you can indicate what the caller will hear while waiting to be answered.
Call Queue

You can also determine the number of Simultaneous Calls you want to have in your Infocaller service. Simultaneous Calls are the number of calls you can receive at the same time.

To increase the number of simultaneous call you must:

  • Account / Manage account / View/Edit Active Services.
  • Edit the Infocaller line you want to modify
  • Edit the number of “Simultaneous calls”. There could be an extra cost which will be presented at time of request.

If you need help, please contact us!

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